BeFirst is one of our Founding Partners
The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (LBBD) is predicted to be London’s fastest growing borough. In the next 20 years, 50,000 new homes will be built, and 20,000 new jobs created.
Be First is a wholly owned development company by LBBD which incorporates planning, housing delivery, construction, commercial and design teams.
Be First will be delivering 5,000 homes over the next five years, which are predominantly affordable rent. But Be First isn’t just planning by numbers. The ambition is to create sustainable and vibrant neighbourhoods that support thriving communities and create a sense of place.
“We all know there is a serious lack of diversity in the built environment, particularly within architecture. A diverse London should be shaped by diverse people - collectively creating the places we all inhabit.
Be First and the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham have been developing ways to actively influence change, to level the playing field for those entering the built environment from non-traditional backgrounds.
Therefore, partnering with the LNS is a natural fit for us. The LNS aims to address the cost of education as a barrier to entry through this fantastic scholarship targeted at talented young people who would not otherwise be able to fund an architecture degree.
We are very excited for the next generation talent that will be able to access our industry through this scholarship and the future of our partnership with the LNS.”